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NZD $13,650 of NZD $10,800 target.


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Lellow Submarine

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Lellow Submarine


About us:

“We’re taking this vaka to Invercargill!” 

Representing Niue, The Rock of the Pacific, first-time Pork Pie-ers Shirley and Peter are excited to be racing for KidsCan. Shirley has gotten their Mini roof wrapped with the Niuean flag, taking a piece of home with her on the road!

We are keen to hit the road at the end of March and tour this country bringing the light and love of Niue to cities up and down Aotearoa for an excellent cause. We hope you can help us reach our goal to raise enough donations, $10,800, to support 30 children in need. Whatever you can spare will be greatly appreciated by us, the team at KidsCan, and most importantly the children who receive your support.

It costs $360 a year, less than a dollar a day, to provide essentials for these kids in need so every dollar truly makes a difference.

Keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook pages to follow our journey, and if we’re in your city be sure to come and say hi!

Fakaaue lahi (Thank you)

Pete and Shirl

As part of the 2023 Pork Pie Charity Run, we’ll be driving a MINI from Paihia to Invercargill over just six days. This epic journey will test the willpower, stamina and sense of humour of our team, not to mention push our beloved vehicle to the limit. It’s all in the name of a good cause though – we are proud to be raising funds for KidsCan to help Kiwi kids in need reach their full potential.

By donating to our team, you'll be helping KidsCan to provide food, jackets, shoes and health products to schools/kura and early childhood centres/kohanga across New Zealand. With these essentials, kids can participate in learning and have the opportunity for a better future.

We would love your help to reach out fundraising goal, no amount is too big or small! Thank you for your generosity!

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KidsCan Charitable Trust

KidsCan is helping Kiwi kids living in hardship reach their full potential and create brighter futures for themselves. 

We provide Kiwi kids in need with food, clothing and health items at school and early childhood centres, so they can get into the classroom in a position to learn. KidsCan does this because we believe that education equals opportunity, and all children, regardless of their social economic background should have an equal chance. 

For just $30 a month, you can join the thousands of New Zealanders dedicated to changing a child’s life. Find out more at

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