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Team Lake Wanaka

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Team Lake Wanaka, Jarrod and Zoe Frazer


Hi there!

Come March 2023, 50 Mini’s will gather near the top of the North Island for the 8th running of the Pork Pie Charity Run.

After 6 days and 7 nights and over 3000km, only the best prepared, the fittest, the strongest, the desperate, cunning, and most courageous cars and teams will arrive in Invercargill!

Over 3,000kms of New Zealand’s peripatetic roads must be travelled. We will encounter some of New Zealand’s biggest potholes, wettest valleys, climb through cold mountain passes, cruise long South Island straights, pass through our biggest cities and friendliest rural towns, all while raising funds for KidsCan NZ.

The aim of this Charity Run is to raise in excess of our last rally total of $325,000, all for KidsCan NZ, and in order to get underway we require you to get on board and sponsor us, which goes directly to KidsCan NZ, an extremely worthy cause!!

Team Lake Wanaka consists of myself, Jarrod Frazer, and my 17 year old daughter, Zoe Frazer. This will be our Third time joining the Pork Pie Charity Rally for KidsCan.

I'm making a difference by fundraising for a cause that's close to our hearts. Please support my efforts by making a secure online donation and by posting a message of support.

Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to Kidscan NZ.

Thanks so much for your support!

Jarrod and Zoe Frazer

Team Lake Wanaka


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KidsCan Charitable Trust

KidsCan is helping Kiwi kids living in hardship reach their full potential and create brighter futures for themselves. 

We provide Kiwi kids in need with food, clothing and health items at school and early childhood centres, so they can get into the classroom in a position to learn. KidsCan does this because we believe that education equals opportunity, and all children, regardless of their social economic background should have an equal chance. 

For just $30 a month, you can join the thousands of New Zealanders dedicated to changing a child’s life. Find out more at

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